To esteem or account happy; to felicitate.
To make something holy by religious rite, sanctify.
To make the sign of the cross upon, so as to sanctify.
To invoke divine favor upon.
To honor as holy, glorify; to extol for excellence.
To turn (a reference) into an object.
Used as an expression of endearment, gratitude, or (ironically) belittlement.
To compel (a person or persons) to leave.
To cause (something) to come out of a machine.
To forcefully project oneself or another occupant from an aircraft (or, rarely, another type of vehicle), typically using an ejection seat or escape capsule.
To come out of a machine.
To compel (a sports player) to leave the field because of inappropriate behaviour.
To throw out or remove forcefully.
an inferred object of someone else's consciousness