Prominence given to a syllable or words, by raising the voice or printing in italic or underlined type.
Special attention or prominence given to something.
The phonetic or phonological feature that distinguishes emphatic consonants from other consonants.
Special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important.
The use of boldface, italics, or other such formatting to highlight text.
The variation of strong and weak elements (such as duration, accent) of sounds, notably in speech or music, over time; a beat or meter.
A specifically defined pattern of such variation.
A regular quantitative change in a variable (notably natural) process.
Controlled repetition of a phrase, incident or other element as a stylistic figure in literature and other narrative arts; the effect it creates.
A flow, repetition or regularity.
The musical instruments which provide rhythm (mainly; not or less melody) in a musical ensemble.
A person's natural feeling for rhythm.
The tempo or speed of a beat, song or repetitive event.