An area, domain, or amount of something partially or entirely enclosed by barriers.
The area of a convent, monastery, etc where access is restricted to community members.
The act of separating and surrounding an area, domain, or amount of something with a barrier.
The act of enclosing, i.e. the insertion or inclusion of an item in a letter or package.
Something enclosed, i.e. inserted into a letter or similar package.
The act of restricting access to ideas, works of art or technologies using patents or intellectual property laws.
The post-feudal process of subdivision of common lands for individual ownership.
A ridge or berm at a perimeter
The green border of a field, dug up in order to carry the earth onto other land to improve it.
A line of snow left behind by the edge of a snowplow’s blade.
A long snowbank along the side of a road.
A line of leaves etc heaped up by the wind.
A similar streak of seaweed etc on the surface of the sea formed by Langmuir circulation.
A line of gravel left behind by the edge of a grader’s blade.
A row of cut grain or hay allowed to dry in a field.
To arrange (e.g. new-made hay) in lines or windrows.