An intrusion upon another's possessions or rights; infringement.
That which is gained by such unlawful intrusion.
An unlawful diminution of the possessions of another.
An entry into a place or area that was previously uncommon; an advance beyond former borders; intrusion; incursion.
An instance of wronging someone (sometimes with possessive to indicate the wrongdoer).
The incorrect or unjust position or opinion.
Something that is immoral or not good.
The opposite of right; the concept of badness.
Improper; unfit; unsuitable.
Asserting something incorrect or untrue.
Incorrect or untrue.
Not working; out of order.
Designed to be worn or placed inward
Immoral, not good, bad.
To deprive of some right, or to withhold some act of justice.
To treat unjustly; to injure or harm.
To slander; to impute evil to unjustly.
In a way that isn't right; incorrectly, wrongly.