To banish; to drive or force (a person) from his own country; to make an exile of.
To withdraw from one’s native country.
To renounce the rights and liabilities of citizenship where one is born and become a citizen of another country.
Living outside of one's own country.
One who has been banished from one's own country.
One who lives outside one's own country.
To encourage, urge or incite.
To increase the activity of (a catalyst) by changing its surface structure.
To elevate to a higher league.
To raise (someone) to a more important, responsible, or remunerative job or rank.
To move on to a subsequent stage of education.
To advocate or urge on behalf of (something or someone); to attempt to popularize or sell by means of advertising or publicity.
To exchange (a pawn) for a queen or other piece when it reaches the eighth rank.