A reassembled bone, stone or ceramic artifact.
One of the words or phrases that are coordinated by a conjunction.
To combine two sets, conditions, or expressions by a logical AND; to intersect.
To marry.
To unite, to join, to league.
To join together; to unite; to combine.
To join as coordinate elements, often with a coordinating conjunction, such as coordinate clauses.
A brimmed hat with just the back of the brim turned up.
Any of several birds, of the genus Rhipidura, from Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
Any of several goldfish having a large fan-shaped tail.
Any of several domestic varieties of pigeon having a fan-shaped tail.
An overhanging deck at the stern of a ship.
A small windmill mounted at right angles to the sails, at the rear of the windmill, used to turn the cap automatically to bring it into the wind.