To reward for services performed, or to be performed; to recompense; to hire or keep in hire; hence, to bribe.
A right to the use of a superior's land as a stipend for certain services to be performed, typically military service.
An additional monetary payment charged for a service or good that is minor compared to the underlying cost.
Synonym of fief: the land so held.
An inheritable estate in land, whether absolute and without limitation to potential heirs (fee simple) or with limitations to particular kinds of heirs (fee tail).
An inheritable estate in land held of a feudal lord on condition of performance of certain services, typically military service.
To burden (someone) with an undesired task or responsibility.
To treat as a single unit; to group together in a casual or chaotic manner (as if forming an ill-defined lump of the items).
To bear (a heavy or awkward burden); to carry (something unwieldy) from one place to another.
To hit or strike (a person).
To form a lump or lumps.
A swelling or nodule of tissue under the skin or in an internal part of the body.
A small, shaped mass of sugar, typically about a teaspoonful.
A dull or lazy person.
A beating or verbal abuse.
A group, set, or unit.
A projection beneath the breech end of a gun barrel.
A kind of fish, the lumpsucker.
Something that protrudes, sticks out, or sticks together; a cluster or blob; a mound or mass of no particular shape.