A conflict, possibly nonphysical, with opposing ideas or forces; strife.
An occasion of fighting.
A physical confrontation or combat between two or more people or groups.
The will or ability to fight.
A boxing or martial arts match.
To conduct or engage in (battle, warfare etc.).
To engage in combat with; to oppose physically, to contest with.
Of colours or other design elements: to clash; to fail to harmonize.
To try to overpower; to fiercely counteract.
To contend in physical conflict, either singly or in war, battle etc.
To contend in physical conflict with each other, either singly or in war, battle etc.
To strive for something; to campaign or contend for success.
Agreement or accord.
A literary work which brings together or arranges systematically parallel passages of historians respecting the same events, and shows their agreement or consistency.
A pleasing combination of elements, or arrangement of sounds.
The relationship between two distinct musical pitches (musical pitches being frequencies of vibration which produce audible sound) played simultaneously.
The academic study of chords.
Two or more notes played simultaneously to produce a chord.