Arriving a time before expected; sooner than on time.
Near the start or beginning.
Near the start of the day.
Having begun to occur; in its early stages.
At a time in advance of the usual or expected event.
Of a star or class of stars, hotter than the sun.
At a time before expected; sooner than usual.
Soon; in good time; seasonably.
A shift (scheduled work period) that takes place early in the day.
Conclusive; decisive.
Word-final; occurring at the end of a word.
Respecting an end or object to be gained; respecting the purpose or ultimate end in view.
Last; ultimate.
Expressing purpose; as in the term final clause.
The last round, game or match in a contest, after which the winner is determined.
A final examination; a test or examination given at the end of a term or class; the test that concludes a class.
A final examination taken at the end of the final year of an undergraduate course, which contributes towards a student's degree classification.
The tonic or keynote of a Gregorian mode, and hence the final note of any conventional melody played in that mode.
The final part of a syllable, the combination of medial and rime in phonetics and phonology.