A trained unit that can be rapidly deployed to deal with any difficult situation.
A group of people within a corporation or industrial site, organized for the purpose of putting out fires, usually in addition to their normal job.
An organization, often part of a local government, whose purpose is preventing and putting out fires.
An assembling or review of troops, as for parade, verification of numbers, inspection, exercise, or introduction into service.
An assemblage or display; a gathering, collection of people or things.
The sum total of an army when assembled for review and inspection; the whole number of effective men in an army.
A roundup of livestock for inspection, branding, drenching, shearing etc.
A collection of peafowl. (not a term used in zoology)
Synonym of mustee
To enroll (into service).
To collect, call or assemble together, such as troops or a group for inspection, orders, display etc.
To be gathered together for parade, inspection, exercise, or the like (especially of a military force); to come together as parts of a force or body.
To gather or round up livestock.