To act as a flagship for.
The most important one out of a related group.
The ship occupied by the fleet's commander (usually an admiral); it denotes this by flying his flag.
The ship regarded as most important out of a group, e.g. a nation's navy or company's fleet.
To allude to something.
To signify by a nod.
To incline the head up and down, as to indicate agreement.
To sway, move up and down.
To make a mistake by being temporarily inattentive or tired
To briefly incline the head downwards as a cursory greeting.
To fall asleep while under the influence of opiates.
To gradually fall asleep.
To head; to strike the ball with one's head.
A nomination.
An instance of inclining the head up and down, as to indicate agreement, or as a cursory greeting.
A reference or allusion to something.