Showy, bold or audacious in behaviour, appearance, etc.
Referring to the final stage of French Gothic architecture from the 14th to the 16th centuries.
Of a blade: forged in a wavy, undulating pattern, like a flame-bladed sword or a kris.
The royal poinciana (Delonix regia), a showy tropical tree.
Having an offensive or intense odor or flavor.
Highly stimulating to the senses.
Having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient.
Having a specified number of people or units.
Severe; very bad or intense.
Having a wide range of logical consequences; widely applicable. (Often contrasted with a weak statement which it implies.)
Capable of producing great physical force.
Inflecting in a different manner than the one called weak, such as Germanic verbs which change vowels.
Determined; unyielding.
Having a high alcoholic content.
Not easily subdued or taken.
Having wealth or resources.
Impressive, good.
That completely ionizes into anions and cations in a solution.
Having a lot of power.
Capable of withstanding great physical force.
In a strong manner.