To add a flaw to, to make imperfect or defective.
To become imperfect or defective; to crack or break.
A storm of short duration.
An inclusion, stain, or other defect of a diamond or other gemstone.
A sudden burst of noise and disorder
A crack or breach, a gap or fissure; a defect of continuity or cohesion.
A defect or error in a contract or other document which may make the document invalid or ineffective.
A defect, fault, or imperfection, especially one that is hidden.
A sudden burst or gust of wind of short duration; windflaw.
A strength or talent.
A passage in music to be played loudly; a loud section of music.
The strong part of a sword blade, close to the hilt.
Loud. Used as a dynamic directive in sheet music in its abbreviated form, "f.", to indicate raising the volume of the music. (Abbreviated in musical notation with an f, the Unicode character 1D191.)