To add a flaw to, to make imperfect or defective.
To become imperfect or defective; to crack or break.
A storm of short duration.
An inclusion, stain, or other defect of a diamond or other gemstone.
A sudden burst of noise and disorder
A crack or breach, a gap or fissure; a defect of continuity or cohesion.
A defect or error in a contract or other document which may make the document invalid or ineffective.
A defect, fault, or imperfection, especially one that is hidden.
A sudden burst or gust of wind of short duration; windflaw.
A marked natural ability or skill.
A unit of weight and money used in ancient times in Greece, the Roman Empire, and the Middle East, equal to about 30 to 60 kg in various times and places.
The men or (especially) women of a place or area, judged by their attractiveness.
People of talent, viewed collectively; a talented person.