To beat by a gammon (without the opponent bearing off a stone).
To lash with ropes (on a ship).
To cure bacon by salting.
Backgammon (the game itself).
A rope fastening a bowsprit to the stem of a ship (usually called a gammoning).
A victory in backgammon achieved when the opponent has not borne off a single stone.
A cut of quick-cured pork leg.
A middle-aged or older right-wing, reactionary white man, or such men collectively.
To move a piece past the defending pieces of one's opponent.
To enter into; to make way into the interior of; to pierce.
To achieve understanding of, despite some obstacle; to comprehend; to understand.
To affect profoundly through the senses or feelings; to move deeply.
To insert the penis into an opening, such as a vagina, mouth or anus.
To infiltrate an enemy to gather intelligence.