To suit or fit.
To cause an animal to move in this way.
Of a horse, pack animal, etc.: to move forward; go faster; or turn in a direction away from the driver, typically to the right.
A command to a horse, pack animal, etc., which may variously mean “move forward”, “go faster”, or “turn to the right”.
A guy.
A gee-gee, a horse.
The name of the Latin-script letter G.
Vagina, vulva.
To correspond with; to suit.
To act in return; to carry out an action or in return to a force or stimulus; to do something in response.
To say something in return; to answer; to reply.
To satisfy; to answer.
To be liable for payment.
A half-pillar, pilaster, or any corresponding device engaged in a wall to receive the impost of an arch.
A versicle or short anthem chanted at intervals during the reading of a lection.
A response.