Synonym of plumule (“the first bud, or growing point, of a plant embryo, situated above the cotyledons”)
In the obsolete theory of pangenesis propounded by the English scientist Charles Darwin (1809–1882): a hypothetical particle once thought to be the basis of heredity.
Synonym of dendritic spine (“a small membranous protrusion from the dendrite of a neuron that typically receives input from a single axon at the synapse”)
A new growth on a plant, whether from seed or other parts.
A child.
A Brussels sprout.
A bean sprout.
An edible germinated seed.
To emerge from the ground as sprouts.
To emerge haphazardly from a surface.
To emerge or appear haphazardly
To cause to grow from a seed.
To deprive of sprouts.
To grow from seed; to germinate.