A gousset, a piece of mail providing protection where armor plates meet.
A large flat metal piece wider than the valley to help prevent build-up at the base of the valley, either from debris or ice dam formations.
A kind of bracket, or angular piece of iron, fastened in the angles of a structure to give strength or stiffness; especially, the part joining the barrel and the fire box of a locomotive boiler.
A small piece of cloth inserted in a garment, for the purpose of strengthening some part or giving it a tapering enlargement cf. godet.
An abatement or mark of dishonor in a coat of arms, resembling a gusset.
To make with a gusset; to sew a gusset into.
A contrivance in armour for covering an unprotected part of the body; a gousset.
A tray or basket formerly used to receive or convey that which is voided or cleared away from a given place; especially, one for carrying off the remains of a meal, as fragments of food; sometimes, a basket for containing household articles, as clothes, etc.
A servant whose business is to void, or clear away, a table after a meal.
One who, or that which, voids, empties, vacates, or annuls.