A temporary position at an academic institution with limited teaching duties and ample time for research.
A period of supervised, sub-specialty medical training in the United States and Canada that a physician may undertake after completing a specialty training program or residency.
A feeling of friendship, relatedness or connection between people.
A merit-based scholarship.
A company of people that share the same interest or aim.
To join in fellowship; to associate with.
To admit to fellowship, enter into fellowship with; to make feel welcome by showing friendship or building a cordial relationship. Now only in religious use.
A literary work which brings together or arranges systematically parallel passages of historians respecting the same events, and shows their agreement or consistency.
A pleasing combination of elements, or arrangement of sounds.
The relationship between two distinct musical pitches (musical pitches being frequencies of vibration which produce audible sound) played simultaneously.
The academic study of chords.
Agreement or accord.
Two or more notes played simultaneously to produce a chord.