To lower something's temperature to the point that it freezes or becomes hard.
To lose or cause to lose warmth of feeling; to shut out; to ostracize.
To prevent from showing any visible change.
Of prices, spending etc., to keep at the same level, without any increase.
To prevent the movement or liquidation of a person's financial assets
Especially of a liquid, to become solid due to low temperature.
To drop to a temperature below zero degrees celsius, where water turns to ice.
(of machines and software) To come to a sudden halt, stop working (functioning).
To cause someone to become motionless.
To cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heat; to give the sensation of cold to; to chill.
To be affected by extreme cold.
(of people and other animals) To stop (become motionless) or be stopped due to attentiveness, fear, surprise, etc.
A precise draw weight shot where a delivered stone comes to a stand-still against a stationary stone, making it nearly impossible to knock out.
A block on pay rises or on the hiring of new employees etc.
A period of intensely cold weather.
A halt of a regular operation.
The state when either a single computer program, or the whole system ceases to respond to inputs.
To cause an increase in temperature of (an object or space); to cause to become hot (often with "up").
To excite ardour in; to rouse to action; to excite to excess; to inflame, as the passions.
To arouse, to excite (sexually).
To become hotter.
To excite or make hot by action or emotion; to make feverish.
A condition where a mammal is aroused sexually or where it is especially fertile and therefore eager to mate; oestrus.
A hot spell.
The output of a heating system.
An attribute of a spice that causes a burning sensation in the mouth.
One cycle of bringing metal to maximum temperature and working it until it is too cool to work further.
The condition or quality of being hot.
Heating system; a system that raises the temperature of a room or building.
A period of intensity, particularly of emotion.
A fastball.
An undesirable amount of attention.
A preliminary race, used to determine the participants in a final race
A violent action unintermitted; a single effort.
A stage in a competition, not necessarily a sporting one; a round.
In omegaverse fiction, a cyclical period in which omegas experience an intense, sometimes irresistible biological urge to mate.
One or more firearms.
Thermal energy.
The police.