A traditional headscarf worn by Muslim women, covering the hair and neck.
The practice, among Muslim women, of covering the body after the age of puberty in front of non-related adult males.
A long veil or other attire covering most of the body, worn by women in some Muslim societies.
The period between the announcement of an election or referendum and its conclusion, during which civil servants refrain from making policy announcements or taking actions that could be seen as advantageous to certain candidates in the election.
A curtain, especially one used in some Hindu or Muslim traditions to conceal women from the gaze of people, particularly men and strangers.
The situation or system of secluding women from the gaze of people, particularly men and strangers, in some Muslim and Hindu traditions, by using a curtain or screen, and/or wearing a face veil or attire covering most of the body.
Keeping apart; isolation, seclusion; also, concealment, secrecy.