Sarda sarda (Atlantic bonito)
Megalaspis cordyla (torpedo scad)
Atule (certain scads)
Alectis indica (Indian threadfish)
Carangoides spp. (island jacks)
Sarda australis (Australian bonito)
Trachurus spp. (jack mackerels).
Gnathanodon speciosus (golden trevally)
Naucrates ductor (pilot fish)
Caranx spp. (certain trevallies)
Selar crumenophthalmus (bigeye scad)
A rich, spicy Jamaican marinade.
A quick, often unpleasant tug or shake.
The rate of change in acceleration with respect to time.
A lift in which the weight is taken with a quick motion from shoulder height to a position above the head with arms fully extended and held there for a brief time.
A person with unlikable or obnoxious qualities and behavior, typically mean, self-centered, or disagreeable.
Meat (or sometimes vegetables) cured by jerking, in which it is coated in spices and slow-cooked over a fire or grill traditionally composed of green pimento wood positioned over burning coals; charqui.
A dull or stupid person.
A sudden, often uncontrolled movement, especially of the body.
To cure (meat) by cutting it into strips and drying it, originally in the sun.
To masturbate.
To make a sudden uncontrolled movement.
To lift using a jerk.
To give a quick, often unpleasant tug or shake.