To express by humming.
To produce low sounds which blend continuously
To reek, smell bad.
To make a sound from the vocal chords without pronouncing any real words, with one's lips closed.
To drone like certain insects naturally do in motion, or sounding similarly
To buzz, be busily active like a beehive
Unpleasant odour.
A phenomenon, or collection of phenomena, involving widespread reports of a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming, rumbling, or droning noise not audible to all people.
Busy activity, like the buzz of a beehive.
A hummed tune, i.e. created orally with lips closed.
An often indistinct sound resembling human humming.
Synonym of um: a noise indicating doubt, uncertainty, &c.
Synonym of hmm: a noise indicating thought, consideration, &c.
To pronounce.
Suppose, assume; used to mark an example, supposition or hypothesis.
To tell, either verbally or in writing.
To indicate in a written form.
To have a common expression; used in singular passive voice or plural active voice to indicate a rumor or well-known fact.
To recite.
To try; to assay.
To bet as a wager on an outcome; by extension, used to express belief in an outcome by the speaker.
To speak; to express an opinion; to make answer; to reply.
Pick a color you think they'd like, say, peach.
For example; let us assume.
Used to gain someone's attention before making an inquiry or suggestion
Tried quality; temper; proof.
A chance to speak; the right or power to influence or make a decision.
Essay; trial; attempt.
Trial by sample; assay; specimen.
A strainer for milk.