To try to find something; search (for).
To be in a state of instability of movement or forced oscillation, as a governor which has a large movement of the balls for small change of load, an arc-lamp clutch mechanism which moves rapidly up and down with variations of current, etc.; also, to seesaw, as a pair of alternators working in parallel.
To use or manage (dogs, horses, etc.) in hunting.
To move or shift the order of (a bell) in a regular course of changes.
To find or search for an animal in the wild with the intention of killing the animal for its meat or for sport.
To drive; to chase; with down, from, away, etc.
To shift up and down in order regularly.
To use or traverse in pursuit of game.
A pack of hunting dogs.
A hunting expedition.
An organization devoted to hunting, or the people belonging to it.
The act of hunting.
To search an area thoroughly.
To (cause livestock to) suffer from diarrhoea or dysentery.
To run with speed; to scurry.
To clear the digestive tract (of an animal) by administering medication that induces defecation or vomiting; to purge.
To move swiftly over; to brush along.
To clean, polish, or wash (something) by rubbing and scrubbing it vigorously, frequently with an abrasive or cleaning agent.
To remove debris and dirt (from something) by purging; to sweep along or off by a current of water.
The removal of sediment caused by swiftly moving water.
A place where wool is washed to remove grease and impurities prior to processing.
A place scoured out by running water, as in the bed of a stream below a waterfall.