To administer a hypodermic injection to.
To stimulate or boost, as if by administering a hypodermic injection. (Compare hype.)
To have a hypoglycaemia attack.
To stimulate or boost (the economy) by the injection of cash, such as with quantitative easing
A hypochondriac.
Sodium thiosulfate (also called hyposulfite of soda), a photographic fixing agent.
A hypoglycaemia attack in a person with diabetes.
A hypodermic syringe or injection.
A hypothetical case.
A hypomelanistic snake.
To administer an injection to (someone or something), especially of medicine or drugs.
To introduce (code) into an existing program or its memory space, often without tight integration and sometimes through a security vulnerability.
To take or be administered something by means of injection, especially medicine or drugs.
To introduce (something) suddenly or violently.
To push or pump (something, especially fluids) into a cavity or passage.
To introduce or add (something that is different or foreign).