An event or occurrence.
An event that causes or may cause an interruption or a crisis, such as a workplace illness or a software error.
A (relatively minor) event that is incidental to, or related to others.
Dependent upon, or appertaining to, another thing, called the principal.
Liable to happen; apt to occur; befalling; hence, naturally happening or appertaining.
Arising as the result of an event, inherent.
Coming or happening accidentally; not in the usual course of things; not in connection with the main design; not according to expectation; casual; fortuitous.
Falling on or striking a surface.
Affinity, likeness.
A grouping of relatives.
A household or group following the modern pagan faith of Heathenry or Ásatrú.
Blood relationship.
Distant and close relatives, collectively; kin.
People of the same ethnic descent, not including speaker; brethren.
One who is kindred, literally or figuratively; a kin, kinsman.
Connected, related, cognate, akin.
Of the same nature, or of similar character.