A custom or practice of a society or community.
Any long established and respected place or business.
The act of instituting something.
The building or buildings which house such an organization.
A person long established in a place, position, or field.
A mental institution.
A long established and respected organization, particularly one involved with education, public service, or charity work.
The act by which a bishop commits a cure of souls to a priest.
The fashion in which something is organized or arranged.
A move or set of moves which are meant to draw out a reaction which leaves an exploitable opening in defense.
A situation orchestrated to frame someone; a covert effort to place the blame on somebody.
Equipment designed for a particular purpose; an apparatus.
An installer.
The process of arranging resources for performing a specific operation, as a run of a particular product.
The tendency of persistent wind to produce higher water levels at the downwind shore of a body of water and lower at the upwind shore.