The arrangement of a musical composition for performance by a number of different instruments; instrumental composition; composition for an orchestra or military band.
The dynamic analysis of a program's performance and behaviour, usually by injecting profiling code into it.
On a vehicle, dashboard gauges monitoring engine functions and performance, along with other essential functions.
The act of using or adapting as an instrument; a series or combination of instruments.
The act or manner of playing upon musical instruments; performance.
A set of staves linked by a brace that indicate instruments or sounds that are to be played simultaneously.
A set of equations involving the same variables, which are to be solved simultaneously.
A set of alters, or the multiple (“the individual with multiple personalities due to, for example, a dissociative personality disorder”) who contains them.
Preceded by the word the: the mainstream culture, controlled by the elites or government of a state, or a combination of them, seen as oppressive to the individual.
A collection of organized things; a whole composed of relationships among its members.
A planetary system; a set of planets orbiting a star or star system
A set of rules for a tabletop roleplaying game.
A comprehensive and logically organized set of propositions or philosophical beliefs.
A method or way of organizing or planning.
A set of hardware and software operating in a computer.
A set of body organs having a particular function.