A fraud; something carried out with the intention of deceiving, usually for personal, often illegal, gain.
The conversion of part of a building.
An organized gathering, such as a convention, conference, or congress.
A convicted criminal, a convict.
A disadvantage of something, especially when contrasted with its advantages (pros).
A political conservative.
To trick or defraud, usually for personal gain.
To study or examine carefully, especially in order to gain knowledge of; to learn, or learn by heart.
Something that causes offence (for example, by being of an unacceptable quality).
Something causing disease or injury to the body or bodily processes; the injury so caused.
Action or form of speech deliberately intended to be rude; (countable) a particular act or statement having this effect.
To be insensitive, insolent, or rude to (somebody); to affront or demean (someone).