To cut or take to pieces for scrap.
To end a (usually romantic or sexual) relationship with each other.
Of a conversation, to cease to be understandable because of a bad connection; of a signal, to deteriorate.
To dissolve; to part.
To break or separate into pieces.
Become disorganised
Of a school, to close for the holidays at the end of term.
be or cause to be overcome with laughter
To end a (usually romantic or sexual) relationship.
To stop a fight; to separate people who are fighting.
To break or separate into pieces; to disintegrate or come apart.
To upset greatly; to cause great emotional disturbance or unhappiness.
To scatter or insert something into or among other things.
To diversify by placing or inserting other things among something.
To mix two things irregularly, placing things of one kind among things of other.