To allure; to draw to; to tempt to come; to induce by pleasure or hope; to attract.
To ask for the presence or participation of someone or something.
To encourage.
To request formally.
An invitation.
To make engaged or earnest; to interest; to engage; to excite ardor or zeal in; to enliven.
To scold or abuse verbally.
To become ardent or animated.
To become warm, to heat up.
(sometimes in the form warm up) To favour increasingly.
To prepopulate (a cache) so that its contents are ready for other users.
To make or keep warm.
To beat or spank.
The act of warming, or the state of being warmed; a heating.
Caring and friendly, of relations to another person.
Having a color in the red-orange-yellow part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum.
Having a temperature slightly higher than usual, but still pleasant; mildly hot.
Close, often used in the context of a game in which "warm" and "cold" are used to indicate nearness to the goal.
Fresh, of a scent; still able to be traced.
Communicating a sense of comfort, ease, or pleasantness