A chipping sparrow.
A carpenter.
A fish-and-chip shop.
A potato chip.
A chiptune.
An occasional drug habit, less than addiction.
A prostitute or promiscuous woman.
The youngest member of a team or group, normally someone whose voice has not yet deepened, talking like a chipmunk.
To take drugs (especially heroin) on an occasional basis, rather than as an addict.
Tending to form chips when cut, rather than larger, more usable pieces of wood.
Ill-tempered, disagreeable.
Involving violence or unfair play.
A wasp.
A person, a guy, especially seen as naïve or simple.
Jasperware pottery.
An opaque, impure variety of quartz, of red, yellow, and other dull colors, breaking conchoidally with a smooth surface.
To decorate with, or as if with, jasper.