A stupid person.
A woman’s breast.
Any of various large tropical seabirds from the genera Sula and Papasula in the gannet family Sulidae, traditionally considered to be stupid.
In the game of croquet, a ball that has not passed through the first wicket.
To behave stupidly; to act like a booby.
To install a booby trap on or at (something); to attack (someone) with a booby trap.
Displaying breasts prominently.
Having large breasts.
A laughably worthless thing or person; a sham.
An amusing story.
The root cause or main issue, especially an unexpected one
Something that is far easier or far less challenging than expected.
Something said or done for amusement, not in seriousness.
To do or say something for amusement rather than seriously.
To dupe in a friendly manner for amusement; to mess with, play with.