An Ottoman official who acted as grand vizier and governor of Constantinople during any absence or illness of the incumbent.
Synonym of sanjakbey during the mid-19th century.
A lieutenant colonel in the Ottoman or early Turkish army, replaced by the rank of yarbay.
An Ottoman official who acted as beylerbey of Egypt between regular appointments.
An Ottoman official who acted as hospodar of Moldavia or Wallachia during any absence or illness of the incumbent.
An Ottoman official who oversaw a kaza during the late 19th and early 20th centuries; similar positions in Ottoman successor states.
A local administrator in Turkey, Northern Cyprus, Iraq, and Lebanon.
Any manager or overseer in a medieval or early modern context.
The head of various other ecclesiastical bodies, even (rare, obsolete) muezzins.
A dean: the head of a cathedral chapter.
A mayor: the chief magistrate of a town, particularly (Scotland) the head of a burgh or (historical) the former chiefs of various towns in France, Flanders, or (by extension) other Continental European countries.
A steward or seneschal: a medieval agent given management of a feudal estate or charged with collecting fees; (obsolete, sometimes as ~ of Paradise or ~ of Heaven) a title of the archangel Michael.
The head of various colleges and universities.
The minister of the chief Protestant church of a town or region in Germany, the Low Countries, and Scandinavia.
A constable: a medieval or early modern official charged with arresting, holding, and punishing criminals.
An officer of the military police, particularly provost marshal or provost sergeant.
An assistant fencing master.
A senior deputy administrator; a vice-president of academic affairs.
A prior: an abbot's second-in-command.