An item carried on a key ring either as decoration or security.
A passive wireless electronic device that usually uses RFID technology to control access to buildings, containers, computers, etc. by being placed near a detector.
An active wireless electronic device that controls access to buildings or vehicles, such as a remote control for a car door lock.
A long, narrow flag, or piece of material used or seen as a decoration.
Any mechanism for streaming data.
A subscription streaming service.
A data storage system, mainly used to produce backups, in which large quantities of data are transferred to a continuously moving tape; a tape drive.
A person who streams activities on their computer (especially video gaming) to a live online audience.
In fly fishing, a variety of wet fly designed to mimic a minnow.
A pupil belonging to a particular stream (division by perceived ability).
Strips of paper or other material used as confetti.
A newspaper headline that runs along the top of a page.
One who searches for stream tin.
A stream or column of light shooting upward from the horizon, constituting one of the forms of the aurora borealis.