A vague or fanciful notion; a feeling or hunch; an impression.
An abstract archetype of a given thing, compared to which real-life examples are seen as imperfect approximations; pure essence, as opposed to actual examples.
A conception in the mind of something to be done; a plan for doing something, an intention.
A purposeful aim or goal; intent
A musical theme or melodic subject.
More generally, any result of mental activity; a thought, a notion; a way of thinking.
An image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory.
An unreasonable notion; a crotchet; a whim; a caprice.
A convulsive fit of coughing or laughter; a sonorous indraft of breath; a whoop; a gasp of breath caused by laughing, coughing, or crying.
A positive 1-soliton solution to the sine-Gordon equation.
A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, hair etc.
A difficulty or flaw that is likely to impede operation, as in a plan or system.
Peculiarity or deviation in sexual behaviour or taste.
A person with peculiar sexual tastes.
To laugh loudly.
To be formed into a kink or twist.
To form a kink or twist.
To gasp for breath as in a severe fit of coughing.