To tease.
To cut unevenly.
A sharp projection.
A part broken off; a fragment.
A thorn from a bush (see jaggerbush).
Enough liquor to make a person noticeably drunk; a skinful.
A medical injection, a jab.
A binge or period of overindulgence; a spree.
A flap, a tear in a clothing
A cleft or division.
A fit, spell, outburst.
A one-horse cart load, or, in modern times, a truck load, of hay or wood.
To laugh loudly.
To be formed into a kink or twist.
To form a kink or twist.
To gasp for breath as in a severe fit of coughing.
A convulsive fit of coughing or laughter; a sonorous indraft of breath; a whoop; a gasp of breath caused by laughing, coughing, or crying.
A positive 1-soliton solution to the sine-Gordon equation.
A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, hair etc.
An unreasonable notion; a crotchet; a whim; a caprice.
A difficulty or flaw that is likely to impede operation, as in a plan or system.
Peculiarity or deviation in sexual behaviour or taste.
A person with peculiar sexual tastes.