A space visible between cells, allowing free passage of light.
Any gap, break, hole, or lack in a set of things; something missing.
A language gap, which occurs when there is no direct translation in the target language for a lexical term found in the source language.
An absent part, especially in a book or other piece of writing, often referring to an ancient manuscript or similar.
A small blank space; a gap or vacancy; a hiatus.
A small opening; a small pit or depression, especially in bone.
A membrane-bound compartment found in a cell.
A small sac or cyst or vacuole, especially one containing fluid. A blister formed in or beneath the skin, containing serum. A bleb.
(usually and especially) Such a blister that is less than 5 mm in diameter.
A small cavity formed in volcanic rock by entrapment of a gas bubble during solidification.
A small sac filled with juice, one of many constituting the pulp of a fruit such as an orange, lemon, or grapefruit.
A pocket of embryonic tissue that is the beginning of an organ.