One who inspires boredom or lack of interest; an uninteresting person.
Something dull or uninteresting.
A sudden and rapid flow of tide occurring in certain rivers and estuaries which rolls up as a wave.
The tunnel inside of a gun's barrel through which the bullet travels when fired, or (by extension) its diameter.
Calibre; importance.
A hole drilled or milled through something, or (by extension) its diameter.
A capped well drilled to tap artesian water.
The place where such a well exists.
A tool, such as an auger, for making a hole by boring.
simple past tense of bear
To make (a passage) by laborious effort, as in boring; to force a narrow and difficult passage through.
To make a hole with, or as if with, a boring instrument; to cut a circular hole by the rotary motion of a tool.
To push or drive (a boxer into the ropes, a boat out of its course, etc.).
To push forward in a certain direction with laborious effort.
To be pierced or penetrated by an instrument that cuts as it turns.
To form or enlarge (something) by means of a boring instrument or apparatus.
To make a hole through something.
To inspire boredom in somebody.
simple past tense of bare
Something that provokes mirth or scorn.
A fun person.
An expression of mirth particular to the human species; the sound heard in laughing; laughter.
To show mirth, satisfaction, or derision, by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face, particularly of the mouth, causing a lighting up of the face and eyes, and usually accompanied by the emission of explosive or chuckling sounds from the chest and throat; to indulge in laughter.
To express by, or utter with, laughter.
To make an object of laughter or ridicule; to make fun of; to deride; to mock.
To affect or influence by means of laughter or ridicule.