Any other place or fixture used for urination and defecation: a latrine; a lavatory; a toilet.
Somewhat deaf, hard of hearing.
Slow to answer: stupid, unintelligent.
Somewhat dun, dusky brownish.
A lavatory: a room used for urination and defecation.
An act that prompts such a penalty.
A hot dust-bearing wind found in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and the Punjab.
A toilet: a fixture used for urination and defecation.
Any group of people.
The penalty paid to the pool in lanterloo for breaking certain rules or failing to take a trick.
A lieutenant.
A game of lanterloo.
A cry to urge on hunting dogs.
To urge on with cries of loo or (figuratively) by other shouting or outcry.
To pay a penalty to the pool for breaking certain rules or failing to take a trick in lanterloo.
To beat in the card game lanterloo.
To pay any penalty to any community.