Of a deep reddish purple colour, like that of the dye.
A deep reddish purple colour, like that of the dye.
The root of the plant, used as a medicine or a dye.
A dye made from the plant.
A herbaceous plant, Rubia tinctorum, native to Asia, cultivated for a red-purple dye (alizarin) obtained from the root.
Having a pale pinkish-orange colour.
One of several species of fish, typically of the Salmoninae subfamily, brownish above with silvery sides and delicate pinkish-orange flesh; they ascend rivers to spawn.
A meal or dish made from this fish.
snout (tobacco; from salmon and trout)
The upper bricks in a kiln which receive the least heat.
A pale pinkish-orange colour, the colour of cooked salmon.
To ride a bicycle the wrong way down a one-way street.