Easily or distinctly heard; audible.
Free of obstacles.
Good, the best.
Free of ambiguity or doubt; easily understood.
Without clouds.
Without defects or blemishes, such as freckles or knots.
Of the sky, such that less than one eighth of its area is obscured by clouds.
Distinct, sharp, well-marked.
Transparent in colour.
Possessing little or no perceptible stimulus.
Unmixed; entirely pure.
Without diminution; in full; net.
Showing a green aspect, allowing a train to proceed past it.
Better than, superior to.
Able to perceive clearly; keen; acute; penetrating; discriminating.
Free from the influence of engrams; see Clear (Scientology).
Without a thickening ingredient.
Not clouded with passion; serene; cheerful.
Free of guilt, or suspicion.
Bright; luminous; not dark or obscured.
Not near something or touching it.
All the way; entirely.
Free (or separate) from others.
In a clear manner; plainly.
To remove obstructions, impediments or other unwanted items from.
To style (an element within a document) so that it is not permitted to float at a given position.
To remove from suspicion, especially of having committed a crime.
To pass without interference; to miss.
To finish or complete (a stage, challenge, or game).
To leave abruptly; to clear off or clear out.
To disengage oneself from incumbrances, distress, or entanglements; to become free.
To exceed a stated mark.
To obtain approval or authorisation in respect of.
To hit, kick, head, punch etc. (a ball, puck) away in order to defend one's goal.
To remove (items or material) so as to leave something unobstructed or open.
To obtain a clearance.
To eliminate ambiguity or doubt from (a matter); to clarify or resolve; to clear up.
To earn a profit of; to net.
To obtain permission to use (a sample of copyrighted audio) in another track.
To become free from obstruction or obscurement; to become transparent.
To approve or authorise for a particular purpose or action; to give clearance to.
To reset or unset; to return to an empty state or to zero.
Of a check or financial transaction, to go through as payment; to be processed so that the money is transferred.
A person who is free from the influence of engrams.
The completion of a stage or challenge, or of the whole game.
Full extent; distance between extreme limits; especially; the distance between the nearest surfaces of two bodies, or the space between walls.
(of a speech sound) In the middle of a word.
Of or pertaining to the media and/or the areas of the wing next to it.
Pertaining to the inside; closer to the median plane of the body or the midline of an organ.
Closer to the addressee.
Of or pertaining to a mean or average.
Pertaining to the middle layer of a blood vessel, to its tunica media.
(of a consonant) Central: produced when air flows across the center of the mouth over the tongue.
One or more letters that occur in the middle of a word.
Any of various things that occur in the middle.