The penis.
A file stored within an archive file.
the judge or adjudicator in a consumer court.
A part of a whole.
Part of an animal capable of performing a distinct office; an organ; a limb.
One who officially belongs to a group.
An element of a set.
Either of the two parts of an algebraic equation, connected by the equality sign.
A part of a discourse or of a period, sentence, or verse; a clause.
One of the propositions making up a syllogism.
A function or piece of data associated with each separate instance of a class.
The penis.
The larger part of an organism, composed of tissues that perform similar functions.
A government organization; agency; authority.
A musical instrument that has multiple pipes which play when a key is pressed (the pipe organ), or an electronic instrument designed to replicate such.
A body of an organization dedicated to the performing of certain functions.
An official magazine, newsletter, or similar publication of an organization.
An Asian form of mitrailleuse.