The way things are arranged or put together in order to achieve a result.
Relative position or aspect of the planets; the face of the horoscope, according to the relative positions of the planets at any time.
Form, as depending on the relative disposition of the parts of a thing's shape; figure; form factor.
The arrangement of electrons in an atom, molecule, or other physical structure like a crystal.
A finite set of points and lines (and sometimes planes), generally with equal numbers of points per line and equal numbers of lines per point.
The preparation and layouts that are set up and used by line cooks at their stations in a commercial or restaurant kitchen.
The preparations to cook, having the ingredients ready, such as cuts of meat, relishes, sauces, par-cooked items, spices, freshly chopped vegetables, and other components that are required for the menu and recipes ingredients measured out, washed, chopped and placed in individual bowls; and equipment such as spatulas and blenders prepared, and oven preheated.