Price-earnings ratio.
A whole number that can be divided by another number with no remainder.
One of a set of the same thing; a duplicate.
A single individual who has multiple personalities.
One of a set of siblings produced by a multiple birth.
A discovery resulting from the work of many people throughout history, not merely the work of the person who makes the final connection.
A chain store.
More than one piercing in a single ear.
More than one (followed by plural).
Having more than one element, part, component, or function, having more than one instance, occurring more than once, usually contrary to expectations (can be followed by a singular).
The money originally invested or loaned, on which basis interest and returns are calculated.
The chief administrator of a school.
A diapason, a type of organ stop on a pipe organ.
The construction that gives shape and strength to a roof, generally a truss of timber or iron; or, loosely, the most important member of a piece of framing.
A dancer at the highest rank within a professional dance company, particularly a ballet company.
The primary participant in a crime.
The first two long feathers of a hawk's wing.
A security principal.
A legal person that authorizes another (the agent) to act on their behalf; or on whose behalf an agent or gestor in a negotiorum gestio acts.
The chief executive and chief academic officer of a university or college.
A partner or owner of a business.
One of the turrets or pinnacles of waxwork and tapers with which the posts and centre of a funeral hearse were formerly crowned
Chosen or assumed among a branch of possible values of a multi-valued function so that the function is single-valued.
Primary; most important; first level in importance.