Visibly consisting of different components.
Incommensurable because of different kinds.
Diverse in kind or nature; composed of diverse parts.
Of a network comprising different types of computers, potentially with vastly differing memory sizes, processing power and even basic underlying architecture; alternatively, of a data resource with multiple types of formats.
Having more than one phase (solid, liquid, gas) present in a system or process.
Comprising several interleaved parts.
Having multiple members with a particular condition.
Having petals lying in folds over each other.
A building or a place where several activities occur in multiple units concurrently or different times.
throwing motion where more than one ball is thrown with one hand at the same time.
a grouping of program services as interleaved data packets for broadcast over a network or modulated multiplexed medium
To convert (a cinema business) into a large complex, or multiplex.
To combine several signals into one.
To make a multiplex throw.
To interleave several activities.