To arrange in a mosaic.
A piece of artwork created by placing colored squares (usually tiles) in a pattern so as to create a picture.
Any of several viral diseases that cause mosaic-like patterns to appear on leaves.
A composite picture made from overlapping photographs.
pixelization (method of censorship)
An individual composed of two or more cell lines of different genetic or chromosomal constitution, but from the same zygote.
Containing cells of varying genetic constitution.
To interleave several activities.
To convert (a cinema business) into a large complex, or multiplex.
To combine several signals into one.
To make a multiplex throw.
Having multiple members with a particular condition.
Having petals lying in folds over each other.
Comprising several interleaved parts.
A building or a place where several activities occur in multiple units concurrently or different times.
throwing motion where more than one ball is thrown with one hand at the same time.
a grouping of program services as interleaved data packets for broadcast over a network or modulated multiplexed medium