To make smaller; to press or squeeze together, or to make something occupy a smaller space or volume.
To abridge.
To make digital information smaller by encoding it using fewer bits.
To be pressed together or folded by compression into a more economic, easier format.
To condense into a more economic, easier format.
A multiply folded piece of cloth, a pouch of ice etc., used to apply to a patient's skin, cover the dressing of wounds, and placed with the aid of a bandage to apply pressure on an injury.
A machine for compressing.
To grow quickly to a large size.
To form the shape of a mushroom when striking a soft target.
To form the shape of a mushroom.
To gather mushrooms.
A fungus producing such fruiting bodies.
A concrete column with a thickened portion at the top, used to support a slab.
Any of the fleshy fruiting bodies of fungi typically produced above ground on soil or on their food sources (such as decaying wood).
Something that grows very quickly or seems to appear suddenly.
Champignon or Agaricus bisporus, the mushroom species most commonly used in cooking.
Any of the mushroom-shaped pegs in bar billiards.
Having characteristics like those of a mushroom, for example in shape or appearance, speed of growth, or texture.