Persons or families that have recently become wealthy.
The decimal monetary system used in the United Kingdom since 1971.
The metric system of measurement, as opposed to the imperial system.
The rich people of a society or the world collectively, the rich class of a society.
Of a solute-solvent solution: not weak (not diluted); of strong concentration.
Ridiculous, absurd, outrageous, preposterous, especially in a galling, hypocritical, or brazen way.
Elaborate, having complex formatting, multimedia, or depth of interaction.
Having an intense fatty or sugary flavour.
Plentiful, abounding, abundant, fulfilling.
Very amusing.
Of a fuel-air mixture: having more fuel (thus less air) than is necessary to burn all of the fuel; less air- or oxygen- rich than necessary for a stoichiometric reaction.
Wealthy: having a lot of money and possessions.
Yielding large returns; productive or fertile; fruitful.
Trading at a price level which is high relative to historical trends, a similar asset, or (for derivatives) a theoretical value.
Composed of valuable or costly materials or ingredients; procured at great outlay; highly valued; precious; sumptuous; costly.
Not faint or delicate; vivid.