The wood of the olive tree.
An oystercatcher, a shore bird.
A dark yellowish-green color, that of an unripe olive.
Any shell of the genus Oliva and allied genera; so called from the shape.
A tree, Olea europaea, cultivated since ancient times in the Mediterranean for its fruit and the oil obtained from it.
The small oval fruit of this tree, eaten ripe (usually black) or unripe (usually green).
A component of a plumbing compression joint; a ring which is placed between the nut and the pipe and compressed during fastening to provide a seal.
A small slice of meat seasoned, rolled up, and cooked.
An olivary body, part of the medulla oblongata.
Of a grayish green color, that of an unripe olive.
A willow twig or branch.
A European willow, Salix caprea, that has broad leaves, large catkins and tough wood.
Of a sickly pale colour.
Having a similar pale, yellowish colour.
Foul; murky; sickly.
Of a tan colour, associated with people from southern Europe or East Asia.
Having skin (especially on the face) of a sickly pale colour.
To become sallow.
To cause (someone or something) to become sallow.